Big Oak Farm is a family business that resulted from an intense love for horses. However, Big Oak Farm would not exist if it was not for a wild bay roan and the most expensive anniversary present ever. In June 2013, David bought Ginger a half interest in Red Bay Cat, known as Gypsy. That $750.00 investment later turned into Big Oak Farm. There has never been a love greater than the one Ginger has for Gypsy. She is the dam of Gypsy’s Scarlet Grace, Red Bay Streakin Bug, Redneck’s Rockin Reno, and Gypsy’s Smokin Kat. This entire farm and this entire experience was created out of the love for a bay roan mare.
However, as Big Oak Farm grows, so does our opportunites.
Big Oak Farm, LLC is pleased to announce that Jazzing Ta Fame is now standing at our farm in Bowling Green, KY. Jazz 52 is the own son of the infamous Dash Ta Fame. He has produced a plethora of winning offspring in both barrel racing and pole bending. Most recently, Famous First Prize had the fastest time of the weekend at the NBHA KY STATE show. (This was his second year in a row to achieve this milestone). Back Forty Fame is the 2020 IBRA Thanksgiving Futurity Champion.
Everyone seems to love their Jazz 52 babies. They have the build and the speed, as well as, the good mind to know how to use their talents.
Jazz 52 is enolled in KISS and Future Fortunes Incentive Funds. We will also have Jazzing Ta Fame offspring and other horses available for purchase from time to time. We will be advertising the accomplishments of our Jazz 52 offspring, as well as those of other Jazz 52 offspring, through this website.
If you are interested in breeding, you can contact Ginger Massamore 270-836-5870. You are welcome to e-mail me at