Fame Will Win is by Jazzing Ta Fame and Miss Jets Cash! 2 year old.
My two babies out of Jazzing Ta Fame. The Sorrel is age 13 out of a running bred mare she won the 2D at the NBA state this year she was BullWhip Rodeo Champion in 2018. The Black one is just 3 years old and out of my cow/run bred mare! She can really turn and loves to run! I'm ready to breed to Jazz again. Tracy Cornwell
Enjoying the sunshine. By Jazzing Ta Fame stallion and out of WRS Kool Jess by Kool Quick Kid. - Blake Vitatoe
Firen the Fame by Jazzing Ta Fame by Jazzing Ta Fame and out of Dinks Halfpint (Redmaker x Galla Firen, Alive N Firen). ridden by Adriana Jones! Congratulations on winning the St. Jude Barrel Jam in Memphis TN